China Doll Costume

Monday 1 February 2010

Past Work Examples

Well, like I promised i'm going to discuss some past acting related work i've done that I am extremely proud of today.
Despite being only 19yrs old, as i've been doing performing arts since i was in primary school, I feel like i've done so much already and i've had some really good and crazy experiences in my life so far.
One aspect that i'm so proud of has to be that my lamda Exam and certificate. For those out there who do not know what Lamda is it stands for The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. I took my solo acting exam at Grade 7 which was silver on the 23rd july 2009 while I was sitting my A levels and i passed!!!! Let me just say, it was the most scary and intimidating thing I have ever done and I think i will always remember how nervous I was on that day but I got calm and collected and gave 3 awesome performances ( If i say so myself). As it is one of my achievements that I boast about  I am going to post a picture of my certificate as I'm that sad and that proud.
This is my Lamda Certificate.!!! Like i've already stated, it was such a scary event to undertake because in the room, its just you and the examiner and lucky for me , I had a nice woman so that made it a little bit easier for me. Its something that cemented my dream even further and it also reassured me of my talents and my ability and Im glad that I controlled my nerves and made it happen.
Going back to my good old secondary school days. I spent 5 yrs there and I do miss it sometimes just because I became so comfortable there and it was where I first came out of my shell and stopped being so quiet. Gosh, I can remember quite clearly how I was always getting involved in anything to do with dance or drama. No matter what it would require, I was always the first person there ( Geeky I know) but I dont regret a second of anything. So many projects and performing arts shows, there is seriously too many to mention them all but heres 2 that still stand out to me today and I remember how it felt to be a part of them.
The first one was a Bollywood themed event in Brixton. For me that was just crazy, like jumping into a whole new world. Bollywood theatre, dancing, food, makeup and clothes. What a night!!!! I remember being with all my friends and thinking that we looked like we were playing dress up but all my friends were there together and my family came along to support me and it was one of the funniest performances I think i've ever done. I regret to say that I dont have any pictures of the night because we were all so imersed in what we were doing but I do have the certificate I received to prove I did take part.
I know this will probably sound really sad but I quite like this certificate just because of the gold pattern down the side as it looks really pretty.
These are just two of the many events and performances I have taken part in since I was little , the Lamda being the most recent. I think it shows not only talent but also dedication which is a must in this industry.
They both have places in my portfolio which reminds me that  I also need to sort out my other certificates and awards to pop in there as well.

Not sure when my next post will be as I am very busy over the next coming months working on 2 different performances for my University course. When all the hard work is over, I will try and post up some pictures of me in costume during these performances as I think it would look real nice and maybe be a bit amusing depending on what my costume actually is and my group are having some weird ideas. Hopefully it will not be too long. Goodbye All.

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